Soumik Banerjee
A 4-day residential Training on basic aspects of Hydrogeology and Springsheds was held at Chirag Campus and Simayal village in Nainital District of Uttarakhand. The training was attended by Bhiarab Saini and Soumik Banerjee from 20-23rd December 2023.

The training program covered different aspects of Hydrogeology namely-
- Geological History of the Earth
- Plate Tectonics
- Fractures, Faults & Dykes
- Types of Rocks and their formation
- Weathering & Erosion
- Groundwater & Geology
- Types of Springs
- Geological Mapping & Data collection
- Springshed delineation
- Fieldwork on using Geological instruments & taking readings and observations
- Hydrogeological Mapping in 2D and 3D using Strike, Dip & Angle & Rock type records & observations
- Springshed demarcation & management

The training involved both classroom and on-field exercises and hands-on experience on using geological instruments like Compass Clinometre, Brunton Compass, Geological Hammer, GPS etc to record rock types, strike, dip direction and amount as well as Spring flow rates etc for delineating Springsheds and mapping.

The training is gave a good understanding on basics of geology, movement of groundwater among rocks, understanding of fractures & bedding planes, recording and observations on Springshed delineation and mapping.

It is expected the sessions will help us in conceptual understanding of Springsheds and take up such activities and plan interventions in Springsheds in the eastern India landscape.