Meeting and workshop on Forest Rights Act with the Kheriya Sabar community and discussions with Women’s groups – Mirgichami

Sudipta Satpati

In April 2022 a Meeting & Awerness Pogramme on FRA was held at Mirgichami Sabar Para. FRA issues and the Rights of villagers were discussed. The Women groups raised issues pertaining to an Awas Yojna scam. They said their money from PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna) is coming but they are not able to utilize the money properly. There are some middlemen who take the contract to construct their house. Also, some fraud cases of money withdrawal have been recorded.

Another problem that people shared is that Forest Fires are a major isuue in March-April. They are not responsible for such fires starting but they are finding it challenging to stop such fires. They called the forest Ranger but they were ignored and the Forest Department has not responded.  The Samity will soon organize an FRA workshop to unite them and make them aware about Forest Rights.