Legal aid camp for Katkari Community Leaders at Narur, Sindhudurg

Ramachandran K G Along with the advocacy meetings being held across the region, a legal aid camp was also arranged at Narur village of Sidhudurg district in the month of January 2021 for equipping the Katkari community leaders to claim their land rights. 25 community leaders attended this legal aid camp. A well known lawyer, […]

Tuber distribution in the Nilambur area

Ramachandran K G Boiled or fried wild tubers and honey was one of the favourite dishes of the indigenous community people in Nilambur valley. Some of these community groups, like Kattaunaicken, Paniya and Muthuva, also used to cultivate some of the common yam species in the past around their houses. Tubers were one of the […]

Gaothan and Gharthan rights – Advocacy Meeting, Sindhudurg

Ramachandran K.G. Historically and traditionally, the Katkari tribe, a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) in Maharashtra, was a nomadic community. They used to keep moving from one place to another for their livelihoods. They did not have permanent settlements. But, in the last few decades, the social situation of the Katkari have changed a lot. […]

Training on Habitat Rights Provisions of Forest Rights Act with Baiga leaders at Karpa Village, Pusparajgarh Block, Anuppur District, Madhya Pradesh – 2nd and 3rd December 2020

Based on inputs from Naresh Biswas In order provide information about the Habitat Rights provisions of the Forest Rights Act (2006) Nirman (UD partner organisation) organised a two day training program on the 2nd and 3rd of December 2020 in the Community Hall of Karpa village. 25 Baiga leaders from 10 villages of Pusparajgarh Block […]

Field visit to Sabar villages of East Singhbhum District, Jharkhand

Rohan Mukerjee The Sabar people are classified as one of Jharkhand’s 8 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) and they primarily dwell in the forested hills of East Singhbhum District in south-east Jharkhand. The Sabar have traditionally depended on forests for their survival and livelihoods and are yet to adopt sedentary agriculture in a big way. […]